Griffin Protection Services
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School Security Guards in Santa Clara and San Jose

As a security team, we understand how essential it is for administrators to keep their staff and students safe and sound throughout the school day. Additionally, we offer services for school security in San Jose, Santa Clara, CA, and surrounding cities. Our number 1 priority is to keep students and safe safe. As a result of our goals, the school security guards are well trained.

With threats and dangers to our public lives seemingly rising daily, a robust and effective security solution is essential. Our team will reduce the risks of campus violence, crime, and illegal activity so your students and staff can walk to and from class peacefully. We’re here to cultivate a warm, accommodating campus for staff, students, and parents and a learning environment you can be proud of. Call us today for a free quote.

Understanding School Security

School security encompasses all measures taken to combat threats to people and property in education environments. One term connected to school security is school safety. Also is defined as the sheltering of students from violence and bullying. Other exposures are harmful elements such as drugs, guns and gang activity. Along with other public places, schools are at risk for invasion from outside intruders. Subsequently, history has proven that there is an increase of attacks on students or faculty members.

Griffin Protection Services 20 years of experience



Earning the Trust of Staff and Students

Every campus is different. Our team considers all aspects of your campus. How many buildings and facilities are on school grounds? How many access points are there? How large are the staff and student bodies? Every vulnerability and risk is considered so we can develop a customized security plan for your needs. Here are a few of the security services we offer on campuses:

Protection, Monitoring and Defense for Primary and Secondary Education Institutions
Round-The-Clock Surveillance of Campus Buildings and Parking Lots During and After School Hours
Shopping Mall Security
Perimeter and Outer-Grounds Protection Before, During and After Class Hours
Direct Communication With Teachers, Staff and Administrators in Safety Situations

Contact Us

Protection for a Great Day at School

Your campus is among the most important places for staff, students, and parents. They deserve to feel safe and comfortable while pursuing their work and education. Our devoted team will patrol, guard and maintain the safety of every welcome individual on your campus. Contact a representative to make every school day a safe day.

Contact Us Today